Cook Islands Voyaging Society - map archive

  2019-05-18 -- 2019-06-05   Aotearoa, Rarotanga
  Archived map and listing

  2021-06-21 -- 2021-08-02   Avarua Harbour, Aitutaki, Penrhyn, Rakahanga, Manihiki, Nassau, Pukapuka, Suwarrow, Palmerston, Rarotanga
  Archived map and listing

  2021-09-14 -- 2021-09-28   Avarua Harbour, Atiu, Mitiaro, Mauke, Mangaia, Rarotonga
  Archived map and listing

  2021-11-30 -- 2022-04-30   Aitutaki, Rarotonga
  Archived map and listing

  2022-06-07 -- 2022-07-01   Rarotonga, Suwarrow (rat eradication), Rarotonga
  Archived map and listing

  2022-08-24 -- 2022-08-28   Rarotonga, Aitutaki, Rarotonga
  Archived map and listing

  2022-06-07 -- 2022-11-26   Avarua, Suwarrow, Avatiu, Avarua, Aitutaki, Avarua
  Archived map and listing

  2023-07-01 -- 2023-07-26   Avarua, Atiu, Avarua
  Archived map and listing

  2023-09-12 -- 2023-09-27   Avarua, Palmerston, Aitutaki, Avarua
  Archived map and listing

  2024-05-10 -- 2024-07-06   Avarua to Hawaiʻi (FestPAC) to Avarua with Faafaite positions
  Archived map and listing

  This map and listing is updated in near real-time when Marumaru Atua is voyaging
  Map and listing

  Marumaru Atua information courtesy of Cook Islands Voyaging Society
  Comments, requests, suggestions? Send an e-mail to: Michael -